Above the President

The relevance of much of what happens in the world today escapes public scrutiny, compliments of the corrupt corporate media. This site aims to help change that. Topics include the UN, oil pipelines, monetary policy and the fate of empires.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Social Security ID

"Social Security was never meant to be a national ID" ..

A common lament from privacy advocates.

In fact, it's a lie, and it's a (telling) symptom of the Orwellian DoubleThink that we Americans have been programmed to live by since we were incarcerated in government training centers from K-12.

Of course SSN was intended to be a national ID(!)

This kind of double-think is second only to the BBC reporter announcing on Sept 11, 2001 that Bldg 7 had collapsed, even though the skyscraper is still looming large behind her:
