Above the President

The relevance of much of what happens in the world today escapes public scrutiny, compliments of the corrupt corporate media. This site aims to help change that. Topics include the UN, oil pipelines, monetary policy and the fate of empires.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Know Your Enemy: E.H. Harriman and Union Pacific

Previously had blogged a little bit about E.H. Harriman, and how he was helped in taking over the Union Pacific Railroad by the likes of Rockefeller and Kuhn Loeb & Co's British-affiliated private bankers, such as Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff and Felix Warbug. Harriman gained control of the railroad in 1898.

E.H. Harriman, who in addition to Union Pacific also
Southern Pacific, the Saint Joseph and
Grand Island, the Illinois
Central, the Central of Georgia,
the Pacific Mail Streamship
Company and the Wells
Fargo Express Company

William Rockefeller, treasurer of Standard Oil and brother of Standard founder John D. Rockefeller owned National City Bank ("Citibank") together with Texas-based James Stillman. In return for their backing, E.H. Harriman deposited in City Bank the vast receipts from his railroad lines. When he issued tens of millions of dollars of "watered" (fraudulent) railroad stock, Harriman sold most of the shares through the Kuhn Loeb company.

Samuel P. Bush, father of Prescott, grandfather of
George H.W., and great grandfather of G.W.

WWI would elevate Prescott Bush + his father, Samuel P. Bush, into the lower ranks of the Eastern Establishment. As war loomed in 1914, National City Bank began reorganizing the U.S. arms industry. Percy A. Rockefeller took direct control of the Remington Arms Company, appointing his man as the CEO of Remington.

The Rockefellers seized direct control of
the Remington Arms Company in 1914

The U.S. entered the war in 1917. In the spring of 1918, Prescott's father - Samuel P. Bush - became the chief of Ordinance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board. The senior Bush took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington and other weapons companies. (Sam) Bush's entire background up until this point had been in in the railroad business; he was president of the Buckeye Steel Castings Co in Columbus Ohio prior to this; the makers of railcar parts. His entire career had been in the munitions business.

Winston Churchill and Bernard Baruch

The War Industries Board - in turn - was run by Bernard Baruch - a Wall Street speculator with close personal + business ties to old E. H. Harriman. Baruch's brokerage firm had handled a lot of speculation for Harriman in the past. In 1918, Samuel Bush became director of the Facilities Division of the War Industries Board. Prescott's father reported to the Board's Chairman, Bernard Baruch, and to Baruch's assistance: Wall Street private banker Clarence Dillon.

Robert S. Lovett, President of Union Pacific Railroad, chief counsel to EH Harriman and executor of his will, was in charge of national production and purchase "priorities" for Baruch's board. With the war mobilization conducted under the supervision of the War Industries Board, U.S. consumers and taxpayers showered unprecedented fortunes on war producers and certain holders of raw materials. Hearings in 1934 by the committee of U.S. Senator Gerald Nye attacked the "Merchants of Death" - war profiteers such as Remington Arms (controlled by the Rockefellers) and the British Vickers company -- whose salesmen had manipulated many nations into wars; and then supplied all sides w/ the weapons to fight them.

The Remington Arms Company, controlled by Percy Rockefeller, had supplied:
  • millions of arms to Czarist Russia;
  • 1/2 of the small-arms ammunitions used by the Anglo-Americans in WWI;
  • 69% of the rifles used by the U.S. in that conflict;
Sam Bush continued his relationship w/ these businessmen after WWI, something that would aid especially his son Prescott in his service to the Harriman family.


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