The majority of people in the world carry IDs cards issued or granted by others. This allows the issuing agency to create the persona and the lawful standing of the individual carrying the identification. It is an established maxim in Common Law that the "created" can never be greater than the "creator."
Although most people carry ID cards, they have absolutely no foundation in law whatsoever. There is no law written that makes it mandatory for anyone to carry any type of ID. The only time anyone is required to have ID is to access so-called privileges and benefits granted by the issuing party. If you have no need for special privileges and benefits granted by others, there is no need for an ID card. Bear in mind that the government has nothing to give. It produces nothing. In order to bestow a special privilege or benefit on one person, the government must first take from another. All those who recieve privileges, benefits and handouts from government (money from another, that is not earned) are doing nothing more than robbing their neighbor by legal plunder. No matter what type of ID(s) you carry, one thing is for sure: you did not issue it yourself. You willfully applied for the ID hoping to receive some type of special privilege or benefit granted by the authority.
Rights and PrivilegesFor clarity it is necessary to define the difference between natural Rights, which are unalienable and not within the power of government to grant, and privileges and benefits, which clearly are. Natural Rights include (but are not limited to) the right to: contract, work, get married, use public roads (liberty of movement), own property, open a business, choose your own destiny, worship, defend yourself, etc. Privileges and benefits may include any activity that gives the beneficiary a special advantage not usually granted to the general public. These special advantages are usually granted by way of a license or permit. A license is defined as "permission given by a competent authority to do something that would otherwise be unlawful." The question is, do you, as most people believe, need permission (license and permit) to contract, work, get married, use the public roads (libetry of movement), own property, open a business, choose their own destiny, worship, defend themselves, etc? The answer is ... you don't. That is unless you voluntarily, by your own free will and volition, apply for, are granted and accept the fictitious privilege or benefit being offered. Thereby placing yourself into a state of "involuntary servitude."
By way of endorsing this fact, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly states that the condition of "involuntary" servitude shall forever be prohibited. The key word here is "involuntary." This means that your natural Rights cannot be converted to privileges (without your consent), and privileges cannot be converted to Rights (without consent of the authority).
From Fact to FictionAlthugh there are many types of identification, the most common are the driver license, passport, social security card, birth certificate, and employee ID. Lesser forms of ID may be government ID (federal, state, municipal), student cards, credit cards, military discharge/separation, select service registration, union memberships, professional licenses, marriage certificates, baptismal, etc. There are many more. Several peculiar things happen when you voluntarily apply for and accept identifying documents from government or government-created entities. They are:
- Name change: your persona changes to a legal fiction with no persona (as a man or woman) standing in judicio (in court) whatsoever. This is accomplished by changing your lawfully "given name" (appellation) to that of a legal fiction. That legal fiction is represented by your name spelled in all capital letters, and may include initials. All government and corporate entities currently issuing ID cards today are legal fictions. They only exist on paper. They do not die (like a man or woman), they live in perpetuity. Therefore, when you are identified by a "legal fiction", you must become a legal fiction as well. Remember the "created" can never be greater than the "creator."
- Creates a Nexus: a "nexus" is defined as a connection; tie, link. A connected series or group, a joining, fastening; to bind. That is, a firm legal attachment has been made between you and the issuing party. By carrying a state-issued ID card you are placed "within" the issuing state as a "resident" of the State. Res = thing; ident = identified. A thing identified (no longer a man or woman).
- Forms an adhesion contract or agreement: The distinctive feature of an adhesion contract or agreement is that the weaker party has no realistic choice as to the terms. An example of an adhesion contract is when you voluntarily apply for and receive a driver's license. Once the driver's license has been issued, the licensee is legally bound by the vehicle code. You, the applicant have voluntarily converted your right to use the public roads (as a motorist) into a privileged activity (as a driver).
Who is the Boss?All power rests with the People. After all, it is the People who created government in the first place. Since the "created" cannot be greater than the "creator", it must follow that the government is something less than the "creator" adn must by its very nature be the "creator's" servant. This is true until you voluntarily allow the servant to be your master. Which is what most people have done to themselves.
Made public servants their masters. The government cannot do anything for you or against you without your consent. Your consent is either given in writing, by what you say (verbal consent), or by your silence (acquiescence). A maxim of law says: "
the law does not require impossibilities." Another maxim is: "
where the Laws of Holy Scripture and the laws of man are at variance, the former shall always be obeyed." A maxim of law is something that has been ruled on so many times that it is a firmly established truth, and is no longer up for debate.
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